character a coach (teacher or trainer)
Dreaming of a counselor
character hooliganism
Dreaming of hooligans
character messenger (for newspapers)
Dreaming of a newspaper carrier
character samurai
Dreaming of a Samurai
character rich girl
Dreaming of a rich lady
character Girlfriend's parents.
Dreaming of my girlfriend's parents
character American Indians
Dreaming of Indians
character unit leader
Dreaming of a unit leader
character mystic
Dreaming of a Mystery Man
character ugly man
Dreaming of an ugly man
character The man without a head
Dreaming of a man without a head
character fruit vendor
Dreaming of a fruit vendor
character foreign child
Dreaming of foreign children
character deceased lover
Dreaming of a deceased lover
character thief
Dreaming of thieves
character mental case (derogatory)
Dreaming of a psychopath
character police officer
Dreaming of bad guys
character three-eyed character
Dreaming of a three-eyed character
character heroine
Dreaming of a heroine
character The Naked Man
Dreaming of naked men