lifestyles Get oneself arrested
Dreaming of being arrested
lifestyles Sticky shit
Dream of sticky shit
lifestyles Enemy bath
Dreaming of an enemy taking a bath
lifestyles enpoison
Dream of poisoning
lifestyles School fire
Dreaming of a fire alarm at school
lifestyles Husband and wife shower together
Dreaming of husband and wife taking a bath together
lifestyles The bathroom is steaming hot
Dreaming of hot steam steaming in the bathroom
lifestyles A trench is being dug
Dreaming of digging a ditch
lifestyles Drifting in the wind
Dreaming of myself drifting with the wind
lifestyles Driven from the palace
Dreaming of being driven from the palace
lifestyles Eat mud yourself
Dreaming of eating mud
lifestyles Walk out of the library
Dream of walking out of the library
lifestyles The unemployed paint oil paintings
Dreaming of the unemployed painting oil paintings
lifestyles The boiling water leaks
Dreaming of boiling water leaking
lifestyles Couples play together
Dreaming of lovers playing together
lifestyles Treat prisoners well
Dream of being kind to captives
lifestyles The husband was punished by law
Dreaming of her husband being punished by the law
lifestyles Make a fool of oneself
Dreaming of becoming a fool
lifestyles Picking up coins on the hillside
Dreaming of picking up coins on the hillside
lifestyles Attempted jump
Dreaming of an attempted jump from a building