lifestyles People talk
Dreaming of people talking
lifestyles Be fascinated
Dream of being fascinated
lifestyles Have a vision
Dream of a vision
lifestyles Bite something to be bitten
Dreaming of biting something and being bitten
lifestyles Make a sacrifice
Dream of sacrifice
lifestyles Arm oneself
Dream of arming oneself
lifestyles jest
Dream a joke
lifestyles Hidden things
Dreaming of hidden things
lifestyles Uphold justice and fairness
To dream of upholding justice
lifestyles Cosmetic surgery
Dream of cosmetic surgery
lifestyles Very hot
Dream of being very hot
lifestyles Be chased
Dreaming of being chased
lifestyles Wear a mask
Dreaming of wearing a mask
lifestyles Set goals
Dream of setting goals
lifestyles Look at people's faces
Dreaming of looking at other people's faces
lifestyles Face to face
Dream face to face
lifestyles Go abroad
Dream of going abroad
lifestyles smell
Dream of smelling
lifestyles Hear a gong
Dreaming of hearing the sound of a gong
lifestyles naked
Dream of being naked