naturally River sand
Dreaming of sand in the river
naturally rainbow
Dream of rainbow
naturally In the rain
Dreaming in the rain
naturally Japanese
Dream of the breeze
naturally gale
Dream of strong wind
naturally In the teeth of the wind
Dream of headwind
naturally Plum rains
Dream of plum rain
naturally Leakage of rain
Dream of leaking rain
naturally Fierce wind
Dream of the wind
naturally Eclipse of the sun
Dream of a solar eclipse
naturally moonlight
Dream of moonlight
naturally Lunar eclipse
Dream of a lunar eclipse
naturally Morning dew
Dream of morning dew
naturally Sea of clouds
Dream of a sea of clouds
naturally smoke
Dream of smoke
naturally Atoll lake
Dreaming of a lagoon
naturally quicksand
Dream of quicksand
naturally zenith
Dream of the zenith
naturally icicle
Dream of icicles
naturally planet
Dream of planets