vegetative Pea seedling
Dream of pea seedlings
vegetative Water caltrop
Dream of water chestnut
vegetative mint
Dream of mint
vegetative nettle
Dream of nettles
vegetative Hemp seed
Dreaming of hemp seeds
vegetative lichen
Dream of moss
vegetative Melon vine
Dream of melon vine
vegetative notoginseng
Dream of notoginseng
vegetative coralline
Dreaming coral
vegetative algae
Dreaming of algae
vegetative The root
Dream of root
vegetative Reed
Dreaming of reeds
vegetative Stem mass
Stem dream
vegetative aloe
Dreaming of aloe vera
vegetative Climbing plant
Dreaming of climbing plants
vegetative Seed
Dream of seeds
vegetative poppy
Dream of poppies
vegetative Seed germination
Dream of germination
vegetative malt
Dream malt
vegetative Climbing plants Climbing plants
Dreaming of climbing plants Climbing plants